Google Confirmed Search Algorithm Update Rolled Out

As you know, we saw a huge amount of chatter around a big Google search ranking algorithm starting November 7th and 8th through the weekend. There were mixed signals in that the chatter in the industry was very heavy but (a) Google did not pre-announce it and (b) the automated tracking tools didn’t really pick up on the update.

But Google has now there was an update but Google said it was a normal update like they do several times a week. Google said on Twitter “Some have asked if we had an update to Google Search last week. We did, actually several updates, just as we have several updates in any given week on a regular basis.”

Here is Danny Sullivan of Google sending me the confirmation:

Okay – so this obviously in Google’s mind was a smaller update. An update that Google routinely does, so Google didn’t expect to pre-announce it.

Google didn’t think this one would be broadly noticed, here is what Google said:

And in one sense, it wasn’t – the tools did not pick it up. But many SEOs noticed big swings in their sites. Some 30-50% swings as we covered on Monday.

Broad core updates are updates Google does announce, and Google did not announce this one, so I guess this was not a “broad core update.” Maybe it was small core update or something else?

Not much to do about your sites with these updates? Keep in mind that Google said there is no fix for these broad core updates but later did give us high level advice on broad core update, after we pestered them to do so.

This wasn’t BERT either, Danny Sullivan from Google said he believes Google would have announced any expansions to BERT:

Not happy with these results? Here is what Danny suggests:

Some publishers who saw a drastic drop in traffic are demanding a more detailed explanation but that is not Google’s job said Danny Sullivan:

That is currently everything I have on this update from Google at this point.

I hope you did well with this update because not everyone can win with all Google updates.

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