Why “C” is the Default Drive of Your Computer Instead of A or B?

A few decades ago it was really hard to own a computer. Having a PC was such a luxury no one could easily afford as it was a pretty expensive device. But, nowadays the number of computer owners are increasing dramatically and it has become the most important machine for any organization.

If you own a personal computer, chances are that you know all the important stuff related to its peripherals and components. However, there are still a lot of things that you probably didn’t know even after noticing them a lot of time. One of them is “why the hard names labels start from letter “C”, not A or B.

Where had the A and B drive gone?

Here is the answer to the question:

Hard disk drives became standard since 1980. Before hard disk drives, Floppy disk drives were used as the storage devices. Floppy disk drives were the initial storage devices. They came to existence since the 1960s. Floppy disks came in two sizes 5 1/4 ” and 3 1/2″.

Those two floppy disk drives were labeled as Local Disk (A) and Local Disk (B). After the invention of Hard disk, a floppy disk of size 8 inch came into existence. Presently Floppy disk drives and Floppy disk drives replaced the floppy disks.

This is the reason behind the labeling of hard drives. As a result, drives other than drive (C) labeled as D, E etc. DVD drive and USB drive are labeled as F, G and so on.

Though “C” drive comes as the default, you can change it to A or B if you have the administrative rights.

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