Google Ads Responsive Search Ads Officially Live

After over a year of testing and being in beta, has announced that the search ads are now available to all advertisers to try out. Responsive search ads will automatically test different combinations and learn which combinations perform best of your ad headlines and descriptions and put the best together for you, automatically.

Google said Trovit used responsive search ads to drive 44% more incremental site traffic, which resulted in 43% more conversions.

Now responsive search ads are available to all advertisers in all languages, as well as in Google Ads Editor, the API, and the mobile app.

With this, Google launched two new Google Ads tools:

  • The Performance column helps identify which of your creative assets are driving results in high volume ad groups. Replace “Low” rated assets with new ad copy to improve performance over time. Keep “Good” performing assets and use “Best” performing assets as inspiration for new ad creative.
  • Ad variations now supports responsive search ads, allowing you to run your own ad copy tests and see how different variations of your ads perform.

You can learn more over here

Forum discussion at Google Ads Help.

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