Possible Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update On October 3rd

I am seeing some early signs of a possible Google search ranking kicking off today, October 3, 2019.

There is some early chatter in the SEO forums, including WebmasterWorld and some on social media. Some of the tools are showing some fluctuations as well today, where some others have not updated yet.

Here is some of the chatter across two different threads at WebmasterWorld, keep in mind, it is really early:

Yeap. the Sensor of Semrush goes up again and mostly categories of Arts, News and Sports seem to affected

Took a major position hit overnite, so yes, this update is still rolling over us all. This should do it for me. It was a great 20 years. Good luck to all.

10-03-2019: more big changes. Content farms are rising again to their pre update positions. If you offer something for free to get ad revenue, it will survive. If you’re selling a product or service, you will not…at least in my vertical. My zero traffic now goes on for many hours, time to throw in the towel.

Here is what some of the tracking tools are showing at the time I post this:

SERP Metrics:


click for full size


click for full size

Cognitive SEO:

click for full size


click for full size

The others were not updated for October 3rd yet, I don’t think, but it is still early on and it may be a small blip or turn into something bigger.

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