How to save to WhatsApp Status videos and photos on your smartphone

, back in 2017, introduced 24-hour disappearing Statues on its platform. The new disappearing Status updates replaced the old text based status updates allowing WhatsApp users to share , images and even GIFs with their family and friends in an Instagram Stories-like disappearing format.

The popularity of WhatsApp Status has increased over time and the proof of this lies in the fact that WhatsApp Status now has 500 million daily users globally. Simply said, 500 million people across the globe share WhatsApp Status updates everyday, many of whom must be your friends who share interesting videos or images on the platform in a format that vanishes in 24 hours.

Sometimes these Status updates also include memories or messages that you would want to save and enjoy later. WhatsApp natively doesn’t offer any method of saving Status updates of WhatsApp contacts. However, there is a trick using which you can save the WhatsApp Statuses shared by your friends on your smartphone.

If you own an Android smartphone, all you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1.  Download Google Files apps on your smartphones from the Google Play Store.
  2.  Open the app and tap on the hamburger icon top left corner of the app. If you own a Pixel smartphone, you will find the hamburger icon on the top right corner of the app.
  3.  Now tap on Settings option.
  4.  Next, toggle the button to Show Hidden Files.
  5.  Now go back to the main app and tap on the Internal Storage option.
  6.  Scroll down and tap on WhatsApp option.
  7.  In the following window, tap on Media option.
  8.  Next, tap on ‘.Statuses’ option.
  9.  Now you will see all the status updates by your friends.
  10.  Tap on the downward arrow on the right side of the Status you want to save and tap on Copy To option in the pull-down menu bar.
  11.  Now the app will show you locations, such as your phone’s internal memory, where you can save the selected WhatsApp Status.
  12. Tap on the place where you want to save the Status.
  13. The following window will show you the exact location, like DCIM, where you can save the Status. Tap on DCIM or any other option.
  14. Now tap on Copy Here are you are good to go!

It is easy to saving the WhatsApp Status updates of your friends and family on Android smartphones. That said, it is recommended that you inform your friends before downloading their WhatsApp Statuses.

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