Google Featured Snippets Can Use Descriptions From YouTube

You wouldn’t think the content you find on YouTube, in the description section of a video, would be high quality enough for Google to use for featured in search. But you’d be wrong. Google can and does use YouTube for featured snippets.

Try this query modifier for [how to replace your lawn mower blade] and you will see the featured snippet used by Google right now is from a YouTube video:

The video is from Sears and the description is a total of 327 characters and 61 words:

This video shows how to replace a blade on a riding lawn mower. A dull or bent mower blade tatters grass tips rather than making a clean cut, leaving the lawn looking dull. A bent blade creates vibrations that can vibrate and damage the mandrel assembly. Replace the blade with a part that fits your model if it’s dull or bent.

The original query gives you a different video from Sears, but the suggested clip version, with the video, not the text.

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