Google taking Ads API back to beta over performance issues

has decided to send its Ads API back to beta. Feedback from developers about slow response times have caused Google to determine that the API is not ready for production usage.

There are a number of other complaints about the new API, beyond response times. This has prompted Google to take the unusual step of putting the product back into beta.

Ads API introduced in March. The Google Ads API is the successor to the AdWords API. It was released in March of this year.

Until today Google had been actively trying to get developers to migrate to the Ads API. It’s unclear what percentage of AdWords API users had made the switch to date. Google’s Ads APIs are used by agencies, SEMs and brands that want to manage large campaigns or advertiser accounts at scale.

Why we should care. The reasons are obvious. If the API doesn’t perform it will have an impact on campaign and reporting.

Google is telling developers to go back to (or continuing to use) the AdWords API. The company is asking those that made the switch to the Ads API to contact “to discuss recommendations specific to your use cases.”

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