Google Search Console Alerts: Change In Top Queries For Your Site

Google is now sending out newish, not 100% new, alerts for changes in your top queries for your site. This is an email from Google Console that will show you either large increases or decreases in your ranking positions according to Google Search Console data.

The emails read with the subject line “ in top queries for your site.” Then it says “Search Console has identified a recent change in the top queries leading to your site from Google Search. We thought that you might be interested to know these changes. Here is how some of your top queries performed in the week of.” It then lists out the example queries and how it changed.

Here is a screen shot from Eli Schwartz on Twitter:

click for full size

This is not 100% new, Google sent out alerts via Search Console for changes in clicks and impressions. This is a variation of that.

Here are more screen shots of this:

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