Google Search Quality In Romania & Other Countries Being Worked On

I don’t follow much about quality with Google specifically outside of the United States because we know Google tries hard to make their algorithms work globally but sometimes based on the content saturation in some languages, their algorithms simply don’t work so well in some .

That seems to be the case in Romania and some other countries based on a conversation between Mihai and John Mueller of Google in this morning’s hangout. John from Google admitted that the search quality is aware of specific issues in certain countries with the quality of the search results and he added “maybe I don’t know something that we could still be working on.”

He said some of the search quality updates from earlier this year may have triggered complaints from the community that the “quality overall isn’t as good as it used to be.” Those complaints have been passed on to the search quality team and they are 100% aware of the issues.

I have heard this before. I think specifically about Romanian websites maybe some some other country as well. Where we especially with some of the quality updates that we made, I think over the course of this year, earlier this year, where people have been complaining and saying that the quality overall isn’t as good as it used to be.

I don’t know what what the plans are there. I do know that the search team is aware of these issues. So it’s something that they’ve also seen, they’ve also kind of seeing the complaints that we passed on to them. So it’s not it’s not something where from from our point of view I’d say this is the way it should be but rather this is maybe I don’t know something that we could still be working on.

Forum discussion at YouTube Community.

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