Google Implies It Got Better At Judging Quality Of Medical Sites

Last August, I came up with this wild theory that the August 1, 2018 core update was more focused in on and health/wellness types of web . Google said no, it was across all categories but a lot of the data showed that while it did hit all categories of sites, there seemed to be more focus by a lot on the medical/health space.

Well, listen to John Mueller of Google talk this morning on a hangout at the 4:05 mark about how maybe its algorithms a year ago got smarter at figuring out if Google can trust certain medical and health related sites. Listen how he talks about other people’s theories and how those theories make sense.

He said “maybe our algorithms in the last year or so have been focusing more on and where they’re a bit more critical.” “For example one one area that I’ve seen mentioned a lot is the whole medical space,” he added.

And then of course there are other kinds of websites where I’d say maybe our algorithms in the last year or so have been focusing more on and where they’re a bit more critical. For example one one area that I’ve seen mentioned a lot is the whole medical space. Where I see people posting online talking about authority, expertise, those kind of things where I’d say that definitely makes sense. Where in the past it was really hard for us to judge kind of the quality of the medical or medically oriented site. And over time our algorithms have gotten better in that regard.

And that’s an area where I’d say maybe if you if you had a low-quality affiliate site that was focusing on these medical topics, then maybe you would be seeing changes there. Even though perhaps over the last ten years or so you had a really good run. So that’s that’s another area where I’d say maybe from an algorithmic point of view you might see bigger changes.

Forum discussion at YouTube Community.

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