Gojek announces upgrade to app, policies

Gojek announces upgrade to app, policies

RIDE-hailing service on Jan 26 announced upgrades to its app and in response to driver-partner and rider feedback received during its ongoing beta phase. The upgrades will be rolled out gradually to users over the next few days.

Revised cancellation policies will be put in place to ensure that rider cancellations do not affect driver-partner performance. Whenever a rider cancels a ride, regardless of the reason, it will not impact a driver-partner’s ability to qualify for incentives.

An algorithm change will be made within the app to improve ride allocation. Following this, driver-partners will be assigned rides in areas closest to them, leading to a reduction of up to 30% in ETAs for both riders and driver-partners.

Riders will also be able to more easily add, edit and remove a credit/debit card, giving them the flexibility to pay by their preferred means.

Finally, a “logged-in devices” feature will be added to the app to create an extra layer of user security. Riders will now be able to use this feature to view all of the devices that are logged in with their Gojek account. Should there be any activity users do not recognise, they can quickly escalate this to Gojek using the in-app help function.

Gojek’s global head of Transport, Raditya Wibowo, commented: “Our beta phase is an excellent opportunity to fine-tune the Gojek app and policies in line with user needs in Singapore. Driver-partners and riders have spoken and we have already been able to incorporate some of their suggestions into our product.

“We ask that driver-partners and riders continue to provide us with their feedback during the rest of our beta phase to ensure that Gojek not only meets, but exceeds, their expectations.”

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