Digital tech adoption to spur level playing field

The government wants the adoption of technology to create a more level field for local businesses to thrive and expand in an open economy.

Ministry of Communications and Multimedia deputy secretary general of operations Tan Chuan Ou said the acceleration of technology adoption will be prioritised for local firms — especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) — in the 11th Malaysia Plan.

“This is so that they can boost productivity and compete globally by harnessing the potential of Industry 4.0,” he said at the MYNIC TECH Summit 2019 yesterday.

The government will work to ensure the availability of the right infrastructure, talent development and business opportunities to be successful locally and internationally, he added.

“We want to see Malaysia become a place which attracts tech talents, and become a vibrant hub for startups which will be the envy of the region, if not the world,” he said.

Tan said Malaysian companies should embrace and develop new applications as cyber security, trademark and digital identity technology are progressing at a rapid pace and changing the way we live, work and play.

“It is timely for our industries to act quickly and steer towards digital technology that will transform and accelerate the nation’s capability to compete in the global digital economy,” he said.

Meanwhile, a survey by SME Corp Malaysia and Huawei Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd showed that 20% of local SMEs are not well-informed about information and communication technology (ICT) usage.

Tan said the challenge for policymakers in bridging business and digital technology adoption is to create an enabling environment and engage relevant industries to adopt a more sustainable business model.

“The nature of work itself is changing constantly and we must keep up or be left behind,” he said.

The MYNIC TECH Summit 2019 was launched to introduce breakthrough technologies such as blockchain, cyber security, digital identity and trademark, and their impact on the public, businesses and the nation.

The one-day summit aimed to explore current trends in ICT and act as a platform for the government and industry players to share knowledge.

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