LinkedIn Introduces LinkedIn Pages to Generate Engagement

In mid November, LinkedIn announced its latest effort in fostering communities. What was once called LinkedIn Company is now rebuilt into LinkedIn Pages.

“Pages have been rebuilt from the ground up to make it easier for brands, institutions and organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises, to foster constructive conversations with LinkedIn’s community of more than 590 million members and 30 million Pages,” according to LinkedIn’s announcement blog post.

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LinkedIn thinks that communities are core to the success of every business. Through meaningful conversations with employees, partners, customers and job candidates, LinkedIn Pages hopes to help drive a company’s growth.

Here are the core features of the new LinkedIn Pages:

Giving Pages admins efficient management tools

Pages admins can now post updates and respond to comments on the go via LinkedIn’s mobile app for both iOS and Android. This has made keeping on top of a brand’s LinkedIn performance and much easier, because up till now, page management via mobile has been problematic, with limitations in functionality.

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In additional, admins are now able to associate Pages with hashtags, enabling them to listen in and respond to social conversations relevant to the brands. They can also now share documents like PowerPoint presentations, Word Documents and PDFs to tell richer brand stories, whereas only images, text and videos were post-able before.

Know and engage with your audience better

Another important feature is Content Suggestions, which surfaces topics and content that are trending within a brand’s target audience on LinkedIn. With this information, admins can now curate and share content that they know their audience will fall for.

LinkedIn is also announcing a suite of tools that help brands discover and re-share their employees’ public LinkedIn posts. “A company’s employees are their greatest asset and can be their biggest advocates. Amplifying their voices can help organizations build stronger connections with their audience,” according to LinkedIn.

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Adding third party tools

LinkedIn Pages has also announced its cooperation with Hootsuite and Crunchbase to help admins manage their presence across a range of social platforms.

“With Hootsuite, admins can now receive notifications within Hootsuite when there is activity on their LinkedIn Page; We have also partnered with Crunchbase to feature funding insights and key investors on LinkedIn Pages, giving LinkedIn members a more comprehensive understanding of a company’s business profile,” according to LinkedIn.

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