Fortnite Players Use Piano to Play Classic Christmas Song

is almost here, and there’s no doubt that plenty of gamers will spend most of the day and night beforehand playing Fortnite as long as they can until going to bed and waking up the next morning to open the gifts that Santa Claus brought in his sleigh. Be that as it may, those of us taking a break from the multiplayer sandbox survival shooter for the moment would do well to check out a recent video in which a group of dedicated fans of Epic Games’ title play a now-classic Christmas on the in-game piano.

In what likely took a lot of practice and coordination, 24 individual players of Fortnite Battle Royale decided to come together to use the in-game piano to play Mariah Carey’s 1994 holiday hit, “All I Want for Christmas is You”. Additionally, instead of just having the Christmas song’s melody be played, the YouTuber known as “UMadBroYolo” edited in several different sound effects from the game such as the smack from the Slow Clap emote, the gunfire from a suppressed automatic rifle, the crackle of a Campfire, and more to keep the beat.

This Fortnite rendition of Mariah Carey’s song is simply the latest creation to come out of the free-to-play Battle Royale game’s community, as there have been a wide range of different fan-made wares done using the title’s in-game assets. For instance, the green screens found in Season 4 allowed players to shoot and edit all manners of wacky videos including characters dancing in the sky, avatars doing the “Ride the Pony” emote in locations around the globe, and more.

All things considered, with Fortnite arguably being the most popular video game on the planet at this point in time, it’s safe to presume that this won’t be the last instance of players collaborating on projects inspired by the game and sharing them with the world. As a matter of fact, Epic recently decided to encourage even more fan-made creations, as the developer introduced The Block to the game’s map in order to showcase content made by players who utilized the title’s Creative Mode.

Source: UMadBroYolo – YouTube

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