How to Unlock Zero in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 & Blackout

Zero is the newest Specialist added into Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and she is looking to shake up the multiplayer. Introduced via the Operation Absolute Zero update launching tomorrow, Zero is a Specialist that focusing on disruption and shutting down enemy equipment. This makes her especially powerful in the right hands if you know when to time her abilities.
However, she is not available right when the update drops and will require a small amount of work from you to get her. In order to unlock Zero, you will need to complete Tier 1 in the new Black Market season. This is incredibly easy to do since Tiers are pretty easy to level up since there are no challenges you have to complete.
Since Treyarch has made no changes to the way you actually earn Tiers, just play Black Ops 4 for about 1-2 hours and you should unlock the first Tier. Once obtained she will be usable in both Blackout and the normal multiplayer portion of Black Ops 4. Keep in mind, Zero will only be available on PS4 tomorrow since the Operation Absolute Zero update hasn’t gone live on Xbox One and PC.
Given the exclusivity period is typically pretty short, we expect to see Zero on other platforms in a week or two. It shouldn’t take you long to obtain her and currently, we don’t know of any Character Missions tied to Zero in Blackout. Unlocking her via the Black Market appears to be the only way to obtain her.