Google: Our Personalized Results Do Not Create Filter Bubbles

DuckDuckGo, a Google competitor, came out with a study that claimed Google’s search what is known as a “filter bubble,” this influencing what you click on and see. Google came to Twitter and defended themselves saying their personalization does not do that.

In the past year, Google has downplayed their personalization, calling it very light at best. But this DuckDuckGo backed study with a whopping “87 complete result sets – 76 on desktop and 11 on mobile,” claimed otherwise. Go read the study and then read Google’s defense.

(1) Google calls this a myth:

(2) Demographic data is not used in search:

(3) Any personalization is not dramatic and mostly not there says Google:

(4) You can test it yourself, here is how:

(5) Go ahead and disable it yourself also:

(6) Why would someone see different results than someone else? Location, languages, device and more:

(7) Location:

(8) Language:

(9) Data centers:

(10) Time:

(11) Device:

More from Danny Sullivan who posted these under the Google SearchLiaison account:

Go back 7 years or so and see how Matt Cutts addressed these allegations from DuckDuckGo in 2011.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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