Google Introduces Structured Data for Livestreams
Google is introducing a way for publishers to markup livestreams with structured data.
With a combination of livestream structured data and the new Indexing API, publishers can let Google know when a video is live.
Using livestream structured data will make videos eligible to appear in Google search with a red “LIVE” badge:
Livestream structured data can be added to the following types of videos:
- Sporting events
- Awards shows
- Influencer videos
- Live streaming video games
Google has provided an example code snippet here.
Notifying Google About Livestreams
An optional, but recommended, next step is to use the Indexing API.
The Indexing API allows publishers to request that their site is crawled in time for the livestream.
Google encourages publishers to call the Indexing API when the livestream begins and ends, and if the structured data changes