THQ Nordic adds Carmageddon to its old IP garage

THQ Nordic announced today that it has acquired the Carmageddon franchise from developer Stainless Games.

THQ Nordic is building itself up as a large midsized publisher. This trend started in 2013 when the company bought the THQ name and its IP when that publisher went bankrupt. THQ Nordic has been bringing in both modern franchises like Goat Simulator and forgotten series like TimeSplitters and Kingdoms of Amalur.

Carmageddon is a car combat/racing franchise. That genre is almost dormant these days. The first Carmageddon came out for PC in 1997. It had two sequels, 1998’s Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now and 2000’s Carmageddon: TDR 2000, before going quiet. A reboot, Carmageddon: Reincarnation, came out inn 2015.

THQ Nordic just had one if its biggest releases yet with the November 27 launch of Darksiders III. Darksiders was one of the first major “dead’ franchises that the studio began working on.

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