Elon Musk Tried to Bring “Mario Kart” to Your Tesla Model 3


Tesla Kart

You know what’s really missing from your $35,000 3? More video games.

That’s at least what Elon Musk thinks, anyway. In a tweet yesterday, the Tesla CEO revealed that Teslas are about to get an update chock full of new features like “romance mode, toilet humor,” and, of course, “more video games.”

In a followup reply, Musk also admitted that Nintendo wouldn’t license the blockbuster “Mario Kart” to Tesla. That’s not surprising, given how cagey Nintendo has been about its own intellectual properties — but it is a shame.


Fun and Games

Playing “Mario Kart” on the Model 3’s 15 inch touchscreen sounds pretty fun. But it would take quite a bit of work on the software front — that is, if Tesla’s board computer is even capable of handling complex 3D animation on the fly. And that’s not to mention the complete lack of a controller.

There are already other ways to play games in a Tesla. So far, Tesla has included easter egg features like “TeslAtari” — an emulator of classic Atari games from 1979 with touchscreen controls — in all of its cars.

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