How to Effectively Market Your Vape Shop Online

If you have a store, you know that advertising is not only the way of the future, its a necessity. When looking for additional ways to show off your vape shop, this is one of the best methods to get it in front of the eyes of millions.

But how can you make vape advertising work for you? What’s the best way to drive customers to your store in a manner that’s natural, allows them to find you easily, and makes promoting your products simple?

Check out the best methods for vape marketing and how you can propel your business to the next level. Get ready to learn more.

Use SEO to Help Your Website and Blog Blow Up

Any business these days needs a website and blog. Your vape business is no exception since it’s likely that folks are looking for you no matter where they are.

Someone from out of town looking for a vape store they can get to while passing through or visiting your store’s area naturally searches for a local connection. This is where you need to take advantage of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.

SEO involves placing keywords within your blog and website that customers naturally search for.

This can include:

  • Basic vaping terms
  • Specific brands of vape liquids
  • A vape store and your city, state and/or zip code

Take advantage of both regular and potential customers looking for items and products you sell, and make SEO part of your online marketing plan.

Use your website to focus on locations and general terms that vapers look for. With your blog, talk about new products or trends, and focus on keywords that folks search for.

Thanks to a combination of these two methods, you’re sure to get an increase in searches and sales alike.

See How Social Media Can Offer Free to Low-Cost Vape Advertising

One of the best things about using social media for vape shop advertising is the fact that everyone uses it. A social media marketing plan helps people see what’s going on and gives them a visual to work with.

When folks see pictures of the shop, your products, or anything else you want to share, they’ll feel connected even if they aren’t in your store. This can help you build an audience both near and far who can’t wait to visit or order from you.

Some of the most popular social media outlets include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest

Another benefit of social media, particularly Facebook, is the fact that you can offer this as another form of customer service. Folks can message you through your Facebook business page rather than making a phone call or waiting for a response via email.

It’s a useful way to stay ahead and keep up with customer service trends in the 21st century. If your company doesn’t have one, it’s time to start a plan today.

Where to Start Looking for Local Smoke Shops and Vape eTailers Online

When it comes to finding local smoke shops and locations to buy vape products, people are going to start their search on the internet. Sifting through Google to individually find websites and retailers is a good idea, but it’s not very effective and will likely end up cost you a lot more time.

Another option is to look around for online smoke shop directories like CBD Hemp Finder. This site currently has more than 4,000 different locations in the United States, and is adding new locations all of the time. For any established vape retailers or locations, they also offer free and premium directory listings.

There are plenty of other online resources and directories like the one mentioned above, it’s simply a matter of taking the time to look around for the best one.

Even just going to Google and typing in “vape shops” will provide you with more than enough resources and relevant searches to dive even deeper. Here are a few that we are seeing most often:

Searches related to vape shops

  • vape shop near me
  • best online vape store 2018
  • best online vape store reddit
  • gorilla vapes
  • best online vape store 2018 reddit
  • good guy vapes

Think Of Online Videos or Live Sessions As Commercials That Can Spread The Word

Sure, commercials sound like a good idea, but they’re expensive. Instead, try making a more personal connection with your customer base by reaching out through video.

YouTube and Facebook Live are two of the most popular outlets when it comes to connecting.

YouTube makes it possible to create your own channel, where folks can subscribe and get updates about what’s going on in your shop. If you’d rather make content on your own time, this is a useful and easy way to get the job done.

The best videos on YouTube for vaping, are the ones that actually provide value and do thorough reviews on different products they sell. I’m actually surprised more smoke shops aren’t doing this… as most of them are experts in their field and are missing out on massive branding and exposure.

Facebook Live means that anyone with a Facebook account can jump on and watch, or even interact with you. Because the Live sessions are personal, many people feel a connection and look forward to them. It’s even possible to get updates when a specific channel is about to go live.

If you want to boost sales, meet and interact with your customers, and get new ideas for vape marketing, this is one alternative you shouldn’t go without. No matter which channel you pick to broadcast on, you’re sure to pick up new fans along the way.

Find Out How to Get In Touch With Industry Websites

Making connections in any industry is important. If you’re new to the industry or have never tried outreach, find out about who else would let you advertise on their website and how you could benefit. A great way to kick things off, is to take a look at the various vape affiliate programs that are currently listed in our affiliate marketing directory. Not only can you look up different programs to promote, it will also give you some new content creation and marketing ideas, while also giving you a list of sites that you can reverse engineer and start reaching out to.

Consider outreach in the form of:

  • Someone else writing a positive blog on your company
  • Running your ads on their website
  • Featuring you on social media

There are several different ways to cultivate relationships and encourage others in the vaping community to work with you. In the case of social media or blogging, you don’t usually need to pay, but when it comes to ads, you’ll spend some money.

Either way, this is helpful when developing connections. Consider it similar to affiliate marketing, with a little bit of a twist.

Your Niche. Your Marketing.

If you’ve given consideration to vape advertising, you might not be aware of all the different ways you can promote your shop and connect with others. It all comes down to making the most of your resources and tracking where you generate the most interest. Take a look at what the competition is doing, then figure out how to do it even better, and also localize and target your audience as best as possible.

You should make sure your business is accessible to anyone who needs it online just as you would in real life. This is where YouTube videos and reviews work best. These users are already in buying mode, and just need that extra push.

If you’re looking for other ways to make your business better and promote, we’re here to help. Check out our blog on how you can boost sales and ensure your end-of-year goes out with a bang.

The post Vape Advertising 101: How to Market Your Vape Shop Online appeared first on Zac Johnson.

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