More Indonesian companies embrace mobility

LENOVO with IDC examines the fundamental shift that will change the concept of work and how it will occur in the next few years through the IDC InfoBrief, ‘Powering Intelligent Transformation’ event in Jakarta recently.

According to IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Work 2019 Predictions, need to take a holistic strategy to utilise digital technology in three important aspects namely workplace, work culture, and workforce to enable transformation into an intelligence company.

The research covers 1,097 companies in 10 countries across the Asia Pacific region. The statistics are backed by a local survey which covers 384 local companies in eight major sectors.

Workplaces of the future will increasingly be anytime, anywhere, and a mix of physical and virtual spaces but at the same time, they should ensure security and compliance.

By 2021, 60% of G2000 companies will have adopted a future-workspace model, a flexible, intelligent, collaborative virtual or physical work environment to improve employee experience and productivity.

As for work culture, it will be even more borderless, collaborative, and innovation focused, with culture as the defining character that enterprises will utilise to compete.

By 2021, demand for top talent will result in 65% of G2000 companies offering co-working and remote-work options that leverage on pervasive access to enterprise and collaboration applications.

Forty-five percent of organisations recognise the need to bring changes in the workspace, work culture, and technologies due to millennials entering the workforce.

Forty-seven percent of organisations also recognise there are different generations at work (millennials, Gen X, Y, Z) and have a policy, or are working on one, to create a more cohesive workspace or reduce friction.

The workforce of the future will increasingly be distributed and intelligent, with machines and humans working together.

By 2023, 30% of G2000 companies will generate at least 20% of their revenue outside their core industries, using crowdsourcing and agile aggregation models to source talent, and business capabilities.

IDC Asean managing director Sudev Bangah says, “Today’s technology is changing very rapidly, and will continue to evolve and drive productivity, collaboration, and efficiency in various ways.

“However, technology is only one element and the transformation of the ‘Future of Work’, and is not just about automation or the use of technology. There are many dynamic aspects of multi-generation workplaces in the use of AI, change management, and compliance, privacy, and security issues that companies need to consider.”

Lenovo’s technology and capability to interact with and motivate workers in order to obtain the best productivity level is key in the course of the company’s transformation.

Lenovo Asia Pacific enterprise business executive director Eddie Ang says that the company has implemented AI and chatbots externally and internally. For example, it has shifted IT support for general inquires and website to a chatbot.

“The way to provide the best customer experience and get business value begins with improving employee experiences. A big part in workplace transformation is about computing, where users expect different types of controls in a Prosyscom Tech of devices and solutions.”

IDC says that by 2024, 50% of structured repeatable tasks will be automated and 20% of workers in knowledge-intensive tasks will have AI-infused software or other digitally connected technology as a “coworker”.

Ang adds, “Investing in technologies such as Device-as-a-Service, AI, and AR is important to meet the user’s desire for artificial , flexibility, and connectivity. As a result, the company will be able to improve employee experience by creating a smarter, safer, productive and collaborative workplace.”

Workspace shift in Indonesia

In Indonesia, 50% of the working populations are millennials, who demand an “anywhere”, “anytime” workplace, and an “intelligence workforce” to interact with, along with an innovative work culture.

The report shows that 26% of organisations are exploring or have already shifted some employees to a co-working or shared working space.

Alongside countries across the Asia Pacific such as Japan (31%), HongKong (30%), Singapore (17%), and SouthKorea (8%), 36% of Indonesian organisations have shifted to co-working spaces or concepts to satisfy employees.

Ang says the key challenge an organisation has to face is the diversity of customer needs.

“The world is changing from standardisation to diversification. In the past, a company maybe will only have to deal with one type of customer, policy, or management, but now, a company has to cater to different needs. By trying to understand customers, a company can provide solutions that are suitable for them.”

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