South Korea University mandatory dating class

South Korean universities have courses that make it mandatory for students to date their classmates. Students have to date each other in three randomly assigned pairings.

Courses on , sex, love, and relationships are trying to increase coupling and eventually birthrate.

Most young Korean women and men don’t want to have kids. The reason it would be too difficult to balance family with work pressures. They would consider trying to have children “if the economic conditions were right.”

The Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs estimates that by 2100, nearly half of Korea’s population (48.2%) will be 65 or older.

Singapore’s government support data services among many pro-child policies

Singapore efforts to increase the number of children include:

  • Extended mandatory paid paternity leave from one to two weeks of cash for babies. Families receive $14,000 (Singaporean; almost US$9,900) for their first child and are eligible for the same amount if they have a second; they receive S$22,000 for a third child, as well as for a fourth, and S$28,000 for each child beyond that.
  • A housing initiative pushes first-time married couples to the top of the list for government-built apartments, where 80 percent of Singaporeans live, but they must be expecting a child or already have one under the age of 16.
  • The government sponsors dating services to help with the first step: finding a partner.

Singapore’s fertility rate is among the 10 lowest in the world. The average number of births per woman in 2015 was 1.24, according to government statistics. That’s well below the replacement rate of 2.1.

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