LaCie High Performance External SSD

Quickly capture your vision with the LaCie External SSD. This device provides fast transfers, backups and editing at speeds of up to 540MS/s. Available in 500GB, 1TB and 2TB capacities, the LaCie Portable SSD makes it easy to store high-resolution images, videos and files. Additionally, you can edit content right off the Portable SSD, saving valuable space on your devices. Compatible with Mac and Windows device, the portable solid state drive makes it easy to connect in multiple ways. Likewise, it comes with a reversible USB-C cable for quick transfers with Thunderbolt 3 or USB 3.1 computers. Plus, it provides a USB 3.0 to USB-C cable for legacy devices. Featuring a lightweight design, the LaCie External SSD makes for an ideal travel companion. In fact, it’s also shock resistant.

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