Destiny 2: The Fastest Heroic Story Missions to Complete | Gaming News


When it comes to completing 2 challenges, most players want to get in and get out as fast as possible. And nowhere is that truer than with the Daily Heroic Story mission challenge, which requires players to complete three in order to unlock their powerful reward.

By now most Destiny 2 players should be familiar with which are the fastest, but in case they aren’t one fan has put together a helpful rundown. On average, the fastest missions take less than 5 minutes to complete, with others taking a little more.

Each day, the Daily Heroic Story Mission launcher gives players 5 missions to choose from. These missions are selected from all across Destiny 2 content, starting with the base campaign and ending with Forsaken content.

As one might expect, the Curse of Osiris and Destiny 2 Vanilla missions tend to favor the speed run the most, with some Warmind missions thrown in. If players are looking for the fastest missions they want to keep an eye out for:

  • Ice and Shadow
  • Gateway
  • Riptide
  • A Deadly Trial
  • Unbroken
Not too far off of that, at about 6 minutes per completion are:
  • Utopia
  • Looped
  • Hope
  • Hijacked
  • Deep Storage

Those players that are looking to get through these missions quickly should make sure that they pay attention to the objective. If a particular section does not tell the player to defeat enemies then move on to the next area, and if a sparrow summon is available use it. Many missions can be completed without ever firing a bullet, or in some cases firing just a few. In some instances, the only necessary requirement is to get from point A to point B and maybe holding the interact button a few times.

Ultimately, the speed with which players complete these story missions is completely up to them. Some may want to choose a longer mission in order to try to get a Prime Engram. Similarly, the Forsaken missions might be long but they also include a Baron kill, which has a chance to drop some Forsaken gear.

But in most cases, players want to get through their weekly grind as quickly as possible and now they know a handful of missions to look out for.

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