The 4Cs of the modern brand | Advertising

Glossier is one of the most successful beauty companies around. At one point, there were 10,000 people on a waitlist just for its lipstick. But before founder Emily Weiss landed $52 million in Series C funding, no one predicted anything like Glossier. In fact, 11 investors turned Weiss down.

Across industries, success is arguably more unpredictable than ever. Much of it is driven by social influence, or the effect people have on one another’s decisions. Thanks to Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Pinterest we are more than ever exposed to one another’s decisions when it comes to what to buy, wear, and like.

Glossier succeeded because it recognized that women enjoy sharing their beauty preferences, and gave them the tools to create content that enabled conversations around it. Glossier’s value is not in the sheer scale of its user base, but rather in the interactions within it.

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