Is AI Beating Humanity at Its Own Game? | Robotics



From software on our phones such as Apple’s Siri to virtual assistants like Google Home, artificial intelligence is steadily becoming a part of our everyday lives. However, some of the news media steadily publishes headlines claiming that AI and will take over our jobs — and perhaps the world. Is there cause for alarm?

With the steady drumbeat of warnings about automation, it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction. That’s why a new infographic, entitled “Rise of the Machines,” aims to set the record straight and stop us from panicking. Yes, it’s true that automation can beat humanity at its own , but it’s often to our advantage rather than our detriment.

For example, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning can:

  • Complete monotonous tasks quickly and accurately
  • Improve security, since it can’t be bribed or blackmailed
  • Remember details we might forget

Technology and industry experts often note that machines are typically good (and possibly better than humans) at only one thing at a time, unlike how they’re often depicted in science fiction. Sure, a robot can turn a screwdriver or an algorithm can identify a part flaw, but they can’t also make coffee or open a door.

Using AI can eliminate human error. Critics argue that machine intelligence lacks the creativity and compassion which separates us from machines. However, this is partly because general AI – the type of artificial intelligence that can use its past experience to complete new tasks – is currently out of reach. If it’s ever fully created, general intelligence would supposedly be able to adapt, just like the human brain.

Read the infographic below for a full history of AI and suggestions about where it could be heading next. (Click here to enlarge; full version is longer.)

AI explained

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