Regional game developers to converge at MDEC’s Level Up KL 2018 | Digital Asia

  • developers to gather in Bangsar South for fourth Level Up KL conference

  • Highlights include two day conference, workshops, SEA Game JAM, SEA Game Awards 2018 and networking night

Regional game developers to converge at MDEC's Level Up KL 2018

 (from left) Mohan Low, Head of Interactive Media at MDEC; Jeremy Choo, Co-Founder and CEO of Ammobox Studios; Wan Hazmer, Founder, CEO and Game Director at METRONOMIK; and Hasnul Hadi Samsudin, Vice President of the Creative Content & Technologies Division at MDEC at the MDEC’s LEVEL UP KL media briefing today

MDEC’s (Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation) Level Up KL is coming back this year on Oct 27 -31 and it will be bigger and better than ever. The annual game developer’s conference will continue with the theme of celebrating and bringing together the best game developers Southeast Asia has to offer.

According to MDEC vice president of creative content and technologies division Hasnul Hadi Samsudin last year’s conference drew a total of 800 attendees and that number is expected to rise up to over 900 attendees this year.

“Level Up KL is the one event in the year that provides a platform for our local talents to showcase their products. We utlitmately want to drive home the point that Southeast Asia can be a nexus for game development where the best people and companies come together,” he said during the media briefing in Petaling Jaya recently.

Level Up KL 2018 will feature a host of activities that includes a two day industry conference, a showcase and exhibition area for developers, a biz connection program, networking night and masterclass workshops.

The conference itself will be split into five tracks focusing on different topics from AAA production, indie games, beyond entertainment, technology partner to education summit.

Some of the notable speakers will include Metronomik’s Wan Hazmer, Toge Productions’ Kirs Antoni, Kureichii’s Yiwei P’ng and many more.

Last year Level Up KL held its inaugrual SEA Game Awards where it received 50 submissions and the awards is coming back this year with double the number of submissions.

MDEC’s head of interactive media Mohan Low said that more than half of this year’s submissions were from outside of Malaysia. This includes those from Indonesia, Thailands, The Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.

“The quality of the submissions this year have set a high bar and will definitely blow you away,” he said.

Last but not least, game developers will also get to put their collective thinking caps together for the 36-hour SEA Game Jam where regional developers will work together to create games in a collaborative environment based on a theme.

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