Watch the newest ads on TV from Google Pixel, YouTube Music, Beats and more | Advertising

Every weekday we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new TV commercials tracked by, the real-time TV ad measurement company with attention and conversion analytics from more than eight million smart TVs. The ads here ran on national TV for the first time yesterday.

and (a Google sudsidiary) dominate, thanks in part to their prominent presence as advertisers during Tuesday night’s American Music Awards. In one of two new YouTube Music ads, singer Dua Lipa pays tribute to “women who have paved the way,” including Alicia Keys. Google wryly demonstrates exactly why you might appreciate the new AI-powered Top Shot camera feature in its new Pixel 3 phones (Frank Sinatra’s “Let Me Try Again” serves as the soundtrack). And in the sole non-Google/YouTube spot in our list, Beats says it offers “music the way the artist intended” with a little help from Halsey.

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Data provided by, Attention and Conversion Analytics for TV Ads

TV Impressions – Total TV ad impressions delivered for the brand or spot.
Est. TV Spend – Amount spent on TV airings for the brand’s spots.
Attention Score – Measures the propensity of consumers to interrupt an ad play on TV. The higher the score, the more complete views. Actions that interrupt an ad play include changing the channel, pulling up the guide, fast-forwarding or turning off the TV.
Attention Index – Represents the Attention of a specific creative or program placement vs the average. The average is represented by a score of 100, and the total index range is from 0 through 200. For example, an attention index of 125 means that there are 25% fewer interrupted ad plays compared to the average.

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