Watch ‘SNL’ spoof the Presidential Alert system in a faux Cricket Wireless ad | Advertising

Last Wednesday millions of Americans with cell phones got a text message ostensibly from President Donald Trump as a part of the first major test of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s new National Wireless Emergency Alert System. Given the widespread media-driven apprehension leading up that moment (Wait, Trump can text all of us directly? We can’t opt out?), you could pretty much predict that “Saturday Night Live” would have fun with it.
In this prerecorded segment (above) from the weekend’s episode, “SNL” delivers, imagining a worst-case scenario of Trump treating the system like he treats Twitter: as an extension of his aggrieved psyche. Cast members including Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon play everyday Americans whose days are interrupted by a steady stream of Trump alerts, including “Failing New York Times Says I Cheated On Taxes. Duh! It’s called being smart!,” “Warning: White men are under attack” and “Puerto Rico is fine now! I guess the paper towels worked!”
The twist comes in the end when it suddenly turns out the segment is an ad spoof. A Cricket Wireless customer (Heidi Gardner) realizes she’s been spared the Trump texts because, well, she’s a Cricket Wireless customer. Cue the announcer’s voice-over: “Cricket Wireless. Now aren’t you happy we have awful service?”
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