Who Will Voice John Marston In Red Dead Redemption 2? | Gaming News

Red Dead Redemption 2 is now just a few weeks away, so anxious fans just have a bit longer to wait before exploring the American frontier. Rockstar has promised something for every gamer with the upcoming title, including fans of the last game. Marston’s presence in the sequel has been confirmed for some time, but there’s finally confirmation that the original actor, Rob Wiethoff, will be returning to voice the Marston’s younger self.

The actor’s return to the role is great for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it’ll be a nice homage to the original game released in 2010. There’s also Wiethoff’s track record as Marston, who was wonderfully acted in the first title. This means that fans should expect a great performance for the iconic character, especially given Rockstar’s track record of delivering wonderfully performed experiences.

It was pretty likely that Wiethoff would return to play Marston, even before the confirmation. Rockstar has poured an insane amount of detail into Red Dead Redemption 2 and it’s highly unlikely that they would let Marston suddenly have a different voice. The character has popped up in nearly every trailer since the game’s reveal, and it seems like he’ll wind up being a central character to the game’s plot.

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC port Devolver Digital

While the game isn’t far away, there’s still quite a bit we don’t know about the new entry in the franchise. Rockstar has only released two substantial gameplay demos to the masses, but those have pretty much only shown off the game’s mechanics rather than any details surrounding the plot. It does, however, make sense for Rockstar to remain tight-lipped about any details other than the basic setting.

Fans have a lot to look forward to in Red Dead Redemption 2, as it’s the biggest game Rockstar has ever made in terms of both size and scale. Previews of the game have been almost universally positive thus far, and many early opinions of the game have lead gamers to believe that it will fundamentally change the open world genre, setting a new bar for developers everywhere. Fans will have to wait and see if that will actually be the case, but at least they have Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to hold them over until then.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will release on October 26, 2018, for the PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: Twitter

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