How Long Is Starlink’s Star Fox Content? | Gaming News

Starlink: Battle For Atlas is set to undergo its launch in two weeks, and Ubisoft is ready to support the space-faring toys-to-life title with plenty of physical peripherals and post-launch content. Starlink will also feature a high-profile collaboration with Fox, showing that both Ubisoft and Nintendo are keen to continue what has been a very symbiotic relationship so far.

Nintendo Switch owners will be able to watch as the Star Fox crew chases after Star Wolf throughout the atlas system in a story that intertwines the Cornerians with the main cast of Starlink: Battle for Atlas. From our impressions going hands-on with the Nintendo exclusive content, this was much more than just a token cameo appearance: the Star Fox cast is fully integrated within the main game’s cutscenes as well as their own, and they’re backed by the original voice cast of Star Fox Zero.

It’s clear that Ubisoft Toronto took this partnership seriously, so we sat down with game director Richard Carrillo to see just how much actual gametime the Star Fox content will add to fans who get it:

It’s definitely a great set of missions, you get to track and take down Star Wolf as he’s trying to do diabolical things in the Atlax star system. We’re really excited to have them as a part of our world and as a guest in our world. I’m really excited for that content to be played by millions of fans.

While it hasn’t been fully revealed exactly what Wolf is up to, Switch-based players will be able to play as Fox McCloud and utilize his Arwing as they attempt to stop him, doing barrel rolls and occasionally getting a fan-favorite voice prompt when doing so. While Fox’s two-hour storyline is self-contained, gamers will still be able to use him at any point throughout the main storyline of Starlink, too. While gamers can typically loan their plastic peripherals to friends (plugging them into the controller unlocks them for a week), the trick won’t work for Xbox and Sony users.

Gamers playing through the main campaign should expect that experience to last for around 20-25 hours, though it’s worth noting that there is no full end game scenario: once the main campaign is completed, players will still be able to traverse the universe and continue the fight against The Forgotten Legion. The atlas star system is constantly simulating this battle regardless of where players are, with the late-game introducing 4 different kinds of outposts to help aid the fight against the legion.

If players end up losing a planet completely to the legion, they’ll still be able to get that planet back. Travelling to the world will reveal a smog barrier so thick that the player won’t be able to reach space again until they take out an enemy extractor (which produces enemy units), helping restore some life to the planet and putting a small alliance presence back on it.

One thing is for certain: that definitely sounds like a job for Fox McCloud.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas will release on October 16, 2018 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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