“Quick, Draw!” Doodle Recognition Challenge | Robotics

Online handwriting  consists of recognizing structured patterns in freeform handwritten input. While Google products like Translate, Keep and Handwriting Input use this technology to recognize handwritten text, it works for any predefined pattern for which enough training data is available.

The same technology that lets you digitize handwritten text can also be used to improve your drawing abilities and build virtual worlds, and represents an exciting research direction that explores the potential of handwriting as a human-computer interaction modality. For example the “Quick, Draw!” game generated a dataset of 50M drawings (out of more than 1B that were drawn) which itself inspired many different new projects.

In order to encourage further research in this exciting field, Google developers have launched the Kaggle “Quick, Draw!” Doodle Recognition , which tasks participants to build a better machine learning classifier for the existing “Quick, Draw!” dataset. Importantly, since the training data comes from the game itself (where drawings can be incomplete or may not match the label), this challenge requires the development of a classifier that can effectively learn from noisy data and perform well on a manually-labeled test set from a different distribution.


  • 1st Place – $12,000
  • 2nd Place – $8,000
  • 3rd Place – $5,000

Source: ai.googleblog.com

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