The True Labor of Studying & Preparing for an Exam | Linux

Lately, I’ve been thinking about what it means to truly be laborious. The road to the RHCA is very laborious and comes with many challenges that I have alluded to in other articles in this series. It demands a lot of focus, dedication, and time, and with all the demands for your time, it definitely can wear you down. In preparation for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation, I have put in a lot of hours to get ready and it still never feels like enough. I have to admit, the last few weeks I probably have been less laborious with my studying and preparation more than I have ever.

Squeezing halt!

Studying and preparing for an or certification can feel like you are on an island all by yourself. It can frustrate you and it can be downright demotivating, and it can get in your head. Linux Academy has a community for students to share their accomplishments, goals, and is a great place to ask questions and see what other students are studying. Check out the community and know you’re not alone!

Currently, I have completed three Linux Academy courses in preparation, as you may know from previous articles, and I have essentially two more courses to complete before my exam at the end of September. I have stalled or procrastinated a few times, essentially feeling like I have hit a wall leading to those proverbial bruises I talked about in one of my last articles. This is not an easy endeavor and the journey is a long one because even after achieving the RHCA, there are levels to the RHCA (but I do not want to go off on a tangent, let’s focus on the prize). 

Hard work pays off

I want to remind you that it is human to feel these things and that as long as you take a step forward every day, every week, you will be all the better for it. Remember all the labor that got you this far! Have fun and celebrate, because you are doing something that most people cannot or will not do! 

If you missed last week’s post, you can check it out here! 

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