Every Amiibo Figure Ever | Gaming News


Take a look at every official Amiibo there is, as well as some on the way.

Amiibo may not be the wild craze they were when they first released, but they are still some of the best official Nintendo figurines you can find. As of publish, 175 official Amiibo have been made or announced, though that number comes with some caveats.

Here’s gallery of every single Amiibo figurine released or announced, sorted by game series. There are a whole lot in there, so be sure to use the arrow keys for quicker browsing if you are viewing on the desktop site:

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We’ve also included Amiibo that have been announced but not officially released as of publishing this. Those include Wolf, Ridley, three Shovel Knight characters, Solaire from Dark Souls, and three Splatoon 2 Octolings, as well as a Daisy Amiibo for Smash Bros. that hasn’t even been shown off yet. There are also gold and silver Monster Hunter Amiibos that are only available as tournament rewards in Japan, meaning they are official but have never really been made available to the public.

Tech’s own Peer Schneider has literally every Amiibo released (apart from those shiny Monster Hunter ones), but how many Amiibo do you have? Which is your favorite, or what character would you want to see get one? Let us know in the comments below!

Tom Marks is Tech’s PC Editor and pie maker. You can follow him on Twitter.

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