Share/Guide’s 2018 annual conference and ICT awards | Industry
Half an hour before the conference commences with an official opening by the Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia, YB Eddin Syazlee.
Share/Guide’s 2018 annual conference is about to start, with the theme “Achieving Digital Success” which reflects the role digitalisation has been playing in all industries.
Chairman Nazrin Hisham Abdul Hamid’s oreword in Share/Guide’s event programme book states, “We have gathered an impressive line up of speakers mainly from among our own members to share their success stories on the digital achievements that have been implemented in their own organisations.
“This is valuable insight for all of us to know first-hand on the various implementation strategies and challenges faced along the way.”
The conference and annual ICT awards is held in conjunction with Share/Guide’s 30th anniversary.
This 30-year old IT users association had been set up with the objective for its members to exchange views and acquire new technological knowledge, or more notably for its members to ‘Share’ and ‘Guide’ among themselves.