Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery – Where is Year 5 Chapter 3? | Gaming News

This past Thursday, many Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery fans were upset to discover that developer Jam City wasn’t adding 5 3 to the game. Typically, Jam City adds a new story chapter every Thursday, and since it didn’t communicate this change in plans to its fans, it has resulted in some significant backlash online. So the question is, when can Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery fans expect Year 5 Chapter 3 to be added to the game?

It seems likely that Year 5 Chapter 3 will be added to Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery next Thursday, September 27. After all, Jam City has sometimes skipped weeks in the past, though usually because it released two chapters the previous week. Considering this, it’s possible that this coming Thursday will see Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery players treated to two story chapters instead of one.

Something else to keep in mind is that a lot of the Year 5 content as it is displayed now appears to be placeholder. It seems as though there are too few classes listed for players to complete, and at the time of this writing, only seven chapters are listed. If Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery‘s Year 5 is comprised of only seven chapters, then it would end up being the shortest year in the game’s history so far.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Year 5 story leak

Perhaps Jam City is preparing a more sizable update for the game this coming Thursday that will give players a better idea of what all to expect from Year 5. Meanwhile, Jam City has offered players some new content to complete in lieu of a new story chapter this week, and while some may still be dissatisfied, it’s better than nothing.

Right now, Jam City is running a special in-game event in Hogwarts Mystery that allows players to unlock a new skin for their pet toad. Players have a week to complete the event, and while it may play out like every other Hogwarts Mystery event in terms of gameplay, it at least gives fans something else to unlock besides new clothes for their avatar.

Jam City has also added the Egg Hunt side quest, which sees the player character and Charlie Weasley attempt to track down a wizard selling a dragon egg. Egg Hunt may just be a side quest, but it also appears to have surprising significance to the main story, with some parts dealing directly with the player character’s missing brother Jacob, whose disappearance is what the entire narrative in Hogwarts Mystery revolves around.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

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