Facebook and LinkedIn Join the SMWLDN Lineup | Social

Social Media Week London 2018 is fast approaching, and we’re continuing to bolster the lineup with incredible speakers and panelists to discuss new ideas, trends, and innovations in social media, publishing, and marketing.


This week alone we’re announcing two new events, hosted by two of the biggest platforms in the industry: and .

  • On Thursday, November 15 at 12 p.m., Dan Robinson, Group Director at Facebook will host a talk called “Easy Come, Easy Go: The Disruption of Loyalty.” Robinson, who has been with Facebook for the last 6+ years, is uniquely suited to discuss how the future of loyalty between consumers, brands, and platforms is contingent upon meaningful interactions between all parties.
  • On Friday, November 16 at 12 p.m., Jason Miller, the Global Content Marketing Leader at LinkedIn will delve into marketing across the entire funnel with “How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn For Marketing.” Miller has years of firsthand knowledge on how to reach and engage customers with native advertising, paid and organic content, and creative, practical use of video—and he promises to share best practices with attendees.

These are just two of the featured speakers we’ll have at #SMWLDN this year, representing BBC Radio, Dataminr, Reddit, and many more. Check out the full list of speakers.

In its ninth year, Social Media Week London will run from November 14-16, 2018 at the QEII Centre. Have you gotten your passes yet?

Get your tickets now and save over £100 on the Premium or Standard Passes over the walkup price!

Learn the latest trends, insights and best practices from the brightest minds in media and technology. Sign up for SMW Insider to watch full-length sessions from official Social Media Week conferences live and on-demand.

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