Cyberpunk 2077 Side Quests to Feel Like Complete Stories, Says Dev | Gaming News

Ever since CD Projekt Red decided to finally put out its gameplay demo of Cyberpunk 2077 from E3 2018 for public viewing, gamers have been clamoring for as much new information about the forthcoming action-RPG as they can get. Recently, the developer discussed the new title’s quests, saying that players should expect for them to feel like and fulfilling stories whenever they’re finished.

Regarding the matter, it looks to be that any of the stories, characters, or themes which aren’t covered or explored in depth throughout the main plot line of Cyberpunk 2077 will be more fully fleshed out in the game’s side quests. What’s more is that CD Projekt Red wants to assure fans that the side quests won’t be “filler” and will not be designed as “something to do while waiting for the next quest, or to get more money to buy the next thing”. Simply stated, the studio wants “to make sure that every quest feels like a complete story in and of itself”.


CD Projekt Red’s ambitious approach to Cyberpunk 2077‘s side quests shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to fans of the Polish video game development company, as the studio had loads of robust side quests in its previous award-winning project, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. That said, though, it will be interesting to see just how CD Projekt Red plans to have Cyberpunk 2077‘s side quests operate in contrast to The Witcher 3.

All things considered, one can only hope that CD Projekt Red continues to discuss and provide more footage of Cyberpunk 2077 in action as the days and weeks press on. Up until CD Projekt Red’s showing of the game at E3 2018, the developer practically drip fed information about the title in order to ensure that secret assets weren’t released earlier than intended. But with the game now playable from start to finish in-studio, there’s a decent chance we could see more gameplay in the near future.

Cyberpunk 2077 currently lacks an official release date, but is expected to launch for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit

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