Are you a Best Place to Work? The deadline to enter is Friday | Advertising

This year’s Best Places to Workdeadline to enter is !looks different than it has in the past.

Along with our new partner, Latitude, we’ve made things bigger and better. The criteria has been modernized to better reflect the policies and attitudes that create healthy, successful work environments, and to even out the playing field for companies big and small.

The updates take a more rigorous look at how companies embrace factors such as diversity and inclusion, reward hard work and grow their bottom lines. Survey questions address the structures in for employee advancement, compensation and profit sharing, the benefits you offer (think: maternity and paternity leaves), and the makeup of your workforce (what percentage of your U.S. employees would you classify as belonging to a minority or multicultural group, for instance?). They also look at the resources available to your employees, from mentoring programs to “creative playtime.”

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