Destiny 2: How to Beat the Final Boss of the Last Wish Raid | Gaming News

Now that Clan Redeem has been the first Destiny 2 Clan to defeat the final boss of the Last Wish , Riven of a Thousand Voices, many will want to follow suit, especially considering there is still a reward on the table. After defeating the previous bosses – Kallis, Shuro Chi, and Morgeth – and solving the vault security puzzle, players come face to face with the primary antagonist of the Forsaken DLC.

Although this is not an easy battle, Destiny 2 players should not be intimidated by the size of this final boss. Just split up the fireteam into two smaller teams, with each taking a room. Focus on the adds until the Eye of Riven appears, kill it. That’ll drop a Taken essence orb, and one player will need to grab it, telling the others which emblem appeared in front of the viewing platform.

Another player will ideally be on the platform and guide the one with the orb to the right emblem. Once there, the player will cleanse the emblem with the orb, making Riven weak. Of course, players will need to seize the opportunity to attack the boss while they can. Once Riven performs its tentacle attack, shoot it until the tentacle opens, showing a few small, glowing eyes.

Once in the second room, shoot the flaps and the mouth, then the eyes. This will make the boss retreat through various areas, so repeat this process until the free fall section. Once in free fall, shoot the glowing growth’s on Riven’s body. Once this boss is defeated, players will need to run a gauntlet in Queenswalk.

A special orb will appear and designate the player supposed to carry it. A timer starts when it is picked up, and once it runs out, they’ll be transported. If/when that happens, it’ll choose another player. While it’s being carried, it will form a defense bubble, and anyone outside of it will start getting debuff stacks that kill the player once it reaches 10.

The players in the old realm should deal with enemies swarming them and gather Taken Strength Buffs. A stack of x2 will reset the orb carrier’s time, and the ultimate goal is for each player to carry it as long as possible, finally reaching the end with the final carrier.

As difficult as it sounds, there’s nothing quite like being one of the first to defeat a raid. While Clan Redeem has already claimed World’s First, there is still plenty of prestige on the line for those who this boss soon. Hopefully, this guide should help those having difficulties with Forsaken’s ultimate antagonist, Riven of a Thousand Voices.

Destiny 2: Forsaken is available now.

Source: Gosunoob

Image Credit: Scate11

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