Monster Hunter: World PC Update Adds Deviljho | Gaming News

On March 22nd, 2018, a free for Monster Hunter:  was released for console that included various technical fixes and features, as well as a new monster, Deviljho. Now, nearly six months later, Deviljho has been added to PC.

After downloading the update, PC players can begin the Deviljho hunting quest. Once players have finished the investigation for the “??? Rathian” in the main story, Deviljho will begin invading 6- and 7-star quests, as well as high-rank expeditions. It is important to note that Deviljho will attack anything, is immediately hostile at any range, and can swing smaller monsters around as a weapon.

With the addition of Deviljho, new Deviljho weapons and Vangis alpha and beta armor sets are now available. Each Monster Hunter: World armor set costs 12,000 per piece, but each piece provides a base level of 58 defense.

Capcom decided to release a new specialized tool and chef costume for the handler in the free update as well. The Dragonproof Mantle negates Dragonblight, powers up a weapon’s dragon abilities, and diminishes dragon damage. Therefore, it would be very beneficial to pair it with Deviljho’s weapons, or really any dragon element weapon, when hunting the monster. Obtaining the Dragonproof Mantle involves completing the quest called The Food Chain Dominator.

The free update supposedly fixed pesky connection issues causing excessive error messages. Specific processing falloffs were also improved, along with many other annoying bugs. While most of these were typical update patches, some were a considerably annoying hassle to deal with.

Monster Hunter: World is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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