TCT Show to inspire the next generation of additive manufacturers | Innovation

TCT Inspired Minds powered by Create Education – a unique show floor experience inspiring the next in the world of additive manufacturing.

TCT Inspired Minds Classroom powered by Create Education is providing the opportunity to explore the increasingly important additive manufacturing (AM) industry in a three-hour show floor experience for 12 schools over three days of TCT Show, 25- 27 September 2018.

TCT has an ongoing mission to and educate the next generation in the world of manufacturing. As part of this mission we are delighted to present TCT Inspired Minds at this year’s TCT Show. The partnership with Create Education will provide more than 300 high school students access to a variety of technologies and training relating to additive manufacturing.

Create Education’s partnership with Bloodhound Education and Autodesk will allow the students to take part in a variety of activities throughout the day, from developing their knowledge of 3D printing careers to designing and printing their very own models, all within the TCT Inspired Minds workshops. 

Students will participate in the following activities:

Introduction to Industrial Additive Manufacturing

A ‘101′ guide to industrial AM that will provide students with a base of knowledge that they can develop through the workshops and by learning from exhibitors on the show floor.

Inspired Minds Classroom Workshop

An interactive learning experience where students will get the chance to create their very own 3D lightweight wheel for the Bloodhound Supersonic Car using Autodesk Fusion 360 professional 3D modelling software.

TCT Show Tour

The TCT show tour provided is also the perfect opportunity for the students to experience what the best of the industry has to offer and encourage the next generation of possible manufacturers, scientists, engineers and designers to take up a career in this fascinating industry.

At the end of the day, teams of students from each school will have the opportunity to take away a Bloodhound model car along with their 3D printed wheels to assemble and race back at school to see which designs were the most effective. Teachers and students will also be provided with a selection of Tomorrow’s Engineers Careers Information and Resources.

The TCT Show will take place in Hall 3 of the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), Birmingham, UK from 25-27 September 2018.

Visitors can register for TCT Show 2018 free at:

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