Metal Gear Solid Intro Remade in 4K | Gaming News

This week marks 20 years since the release of Metal Gear Solid on the original PlayStation, and yet its cinematic remains one of ‘s most iconic moments. No matter how old it gets, fans of the series will remember the opening as a landmark moment for video games and a foreshadowing of the marvelous game to follow.

In celebration of Metal Gear Solid‘s 20-year anniversary, a fan and experienced game artist has released a ground-up remake of the game’s intro in remarkable 4k detail. The remake was rendered in real-time using Unreal Engine 4 by AMD’s Art Director Erasmus Brosdau, also known for his work on Warface, Homefront: The Revolution, and Ryse: Son of Rome .

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, a remake of Metal Gear Solid released on the Gamecube in 2004, offers a satisfying visual update to the 1998 original. That being said, the intro remade in 2018 and shown in 4k resolution is a wistful experience on a whole different level for fans of the series. It would’ve been enough to do a shot-for-shot remake, or even a simple texture update, but Brosdau’s creation is more than any Metal Gear Solid fan could’ve expected.

From front to back, Metal Gear Solid‘s 4k intro is pure nostalgic bliss. The sound effects and music have been gently remastered, whereas visually Brosdau experimented with a tad more creative freedom. Many shots are angled and timed differently, and character models, objects, and environments have been altered. Though, the creator was careful not to disrespect the source work, even including a rather indiscreet nod toward Kojima at the front of the “Swimmer Delivery Vehicle,” whose model number is “K0-J1M-A.”

Kojima nod in MGS 4k remake

If anything, the 4k remake highlights the innovation of the original. It was a rare thing in 1998 to see a video game opening so closely resemble the dramatic storytelling and real-life qualities of film.

With a franchise so well-known for its groundbreaking cinematic sequences, it should come as no surprise that a Metal Gear Solid movie is in the works. In fact, the project has already been assigned a director, who recently shared a few clips of concept art to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the franchise.

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