Google sends out invites to 9 October event, likely for Pixel 3 | Apple

has officially invited the media to its next press event, where it will likely unveil its next smartphones: the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.

The event is set for 9 in New York City, according to the invitation, which included an animated gif that shows swooping lines spelling out “I

It has in the past, however, used October events to update the Pixel line. Last year’s event was in San Francisco on 4 October. Also, keep in mind, Apple is set to announce its 2018 iPhone models in Cupertino next week, so this could be Google signaling to phone buyers that they should hold out on getting the new iPhone, at least for a few more weeks, until they can see what Google has done with the Pixel 3.

Google might also unveil other devices during its event. Last year, for instance, it showed off the Google Home Max, Google Home Mini, Pixel Buds, and Pixelbook. It was a huge hardware launch event. And we’re looking forward to seeing what Google has planned this time around.

Google will stream the event live, per usual, but Pocket-lint hopes to be there to cover it live. For more on what to expect, see:

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