How to Add a Professional Outlook Email Signature Quickly | How To

a good signature is important. An attractive Microsoft Outlook
signature helps you to make the right impression with your contacts. It can
also help them to remember your contact information, since everything is all
summed up neatly in your email signature.

probably seen professional email signatures at the bottom of email messages
before—they almost resemble business cards with an
attractive logo design as well as contact details. You might have even thought
about adding one to your MS Outlook signature, but you may not be quite sure
how to do it.

good news! It’s easy to add a professional email signature to all your Outlook
email messages using professional email signature templates. You can set one up
so that anyone who gets a message from you gets your professional email
signature. Or, you can set up multiple signatures for the same Outlook email
account. You could use one professional email signature template for your
business email messages and switch to a more lighthearted design for your
personal emails.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to find and download an
email signature template. Then we’ll show you how to add a professional email
signature to your Outlook using a template. Finally, I’ll share some
professional email signature examples and other related resources that’ll help
you to better manage your email.

Guide to Inbox Zero Mastery (Free eBook Download)

In this tutorial, you’ll be learning how to add an email signatures to Outlook. But this is also a great time to grab control of your Outlook email inbox. So, be sure to grab our Free eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Inbox Zero Mastery. It’s packed with inbox
organization strategies and killer tips for managing all your incoming email
more efficiently.

Guide to Inox Zero Mastery

Now let’s move on to our main tutorial on how to add a signature in Outlook.

to Add a Signature in Outlook (Video)

how to add professional-looking email signatures to your Microsoft Outlook
email in this short video:

to Make a Signature In Outlook

you want to create a signature in Outlook that you can use over and over,
follow the steps below:

1. Download a Professional Email Template

you can add a professional email signature to your Outlook email, you need to find
the right email template for your brand. You can find attractive email templates on Envato Elements.

Elements is a great service that gives you unlimited access to hundreds of
professionally designed creative assets such as email signature templates,
WordPress themes, presentation templates, and much more! As an Envato Elements
subscriber, you’ll even get access to exclusive premium video tutorials.

the professional email signature examples in this tutorial, I’m using the 1000 Email Signatures

1000 Email Signatures template
The 1000 Email Signatures template from Envato Elements has dozens of design options for your Outlook email signature.

This cool template from Envato Elements has some
great user-friendly features, including:

these features and more make this signature template a great choice for a
professional email signature.

Note: To just
download a single email template without access to any other creative
resources, purchase a professionally-designed
email signature
on GraphicRiver.

2. Modify the Professional Email Signature Template

you’ve downloaded your email signature template, it’s time to modify it to
include your own contact information.  

the email signature template you’ve selected includes more than one template,
choose the one you’ll use with Microsoft Outlook.

gather the contact information you want to include in your signature template.
The information needed will be very similar to the information you would
include on a business card, such as:

  • First and last name
  • Job
  • Company
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Social
    media contact information
  • Corporate logo
  • Photo

you’ve gathered what you need, replace the template’s default information with
your contact information. To customize your email signature temple, open the
.psd file in Adobe
Photoshop. Use
the Type tool [T] to enter your

modifying contact information
You can modify your contact information in Adobe Photoshop.

can also change the email signature colors, add a picture or logo, and make
other changes to the email signature—all
from within Photoshop. When you’ve finished making changes, save your email
signature as a .png file.

add hyperlinks to the online components of your contact information such as
your social media contact information and email address use a tool like Adobe
Dreamweaver to modify the .htm file.

3. Copy the Email Signature Image to the Directory

you’ve finished your email signature graphic and hyperlink files, copy the
files into the following path on your PC hard drive:


is the Microsoft Windows username assigned to you.

So, in this example where we’re using the name Jane Doe the path would be:


Note: The directory path pictured in the example above is the default path where MS
Outlook email signature files are stored. If you or your system administrator
have changed this path, you’ll need to use the new location where your email
signature files are currently stored.

4. Open a New Email Message

open a new email message in Microsoft Outlook using the New Email
icon on the Ribbon. The New Messages window appears:

Outlook New Messages window
To change an email signature template start by opening the MS Outlook New Messages window.

the ribbon on the New Messages
window select the Signature icon.
From the drop-down menu select the Signature
option. The Signatures and Stationery window

Signatures and Stationery windo
You can add, delete, or rename an email signature from the Signatures and Stationery window.

Step 5. Add a New Outlook Signature

add a new email signature in Outlook, make sure that you’re on the E-mail Signature tab on the Signatures and Stationery window. Notice
how the Select signature to edit box
already has a signature named Primary.
That’s your default Outlook signature. If you haven’t set up an email signature
already, it may be blank.

the New button beneath the Select signature to edit box. The
system prompts you to create a name for your new Outlook email signature: 

signature name prompt
Since you can have several emails set up on MS Outlook, use a name that describes this signature.

this example I’m setting up a business email signature for MS Outlook, so I
type in the business name: AnyTown
. Then, I click the OK
button. Now you’ll see the signature name you just typed (in this case, AnyTown Consulting) above your (default) Primary email

new Outlook email signature
You just added a new Outlook email signature.

Note: You can also use the Delete button below the Select
signature to edit
field to remove an email signature you no longer wish to
use. Or, use the Rename button to
rename a signature.

6. Modify Your Email Signature

the Signatures and Stationery
window, make sure that email signature you’re changing is selected in the box
below the Select signature to edit
field. Next, click in the box below the Edit
field where you want your signature to appear:

insert email signature image
Click the Insert Picture icon to insert the modified professional email signature you customized earlier.

the Insert Picture icon. An Insert Picture window appears, allowing
you to select a graphic file for the signature you want to use. You’ll want to
select the .png email signature file you changed and saved earlier. When you find the
file, click the Insert button.
You’ll see the email signature in the Edit

new professional email signature image
Your new professional email signature displays in the Edit Signature box.

7. Add a Text Signature

It’s a good idea to add a text email signature beneath your professional email signature graphic image. Having text in your MS Outlook signature is helpful when
your email is received by an email system that doesn’t accept graphics.

a minimum, your text email signature should include the following:

  • First
    and last name
  • Title
  • Company
  • Phone
  • Email

With this text information your email recipient will be able to respond to your email should they wish to do so.

your text email signature information right below the graphic email signature. (Use the scroll
bar to move down in the window.):

text email signature
Since some email systems don’t receive images, add some text signature information to your Outlook email signature.

the OK button to save your changes
to your email signature.

next time you open a new email message, the Outlook email signature you created
is automatically added to the bottom of your message: 

message with Outlook email signature
When you’ve saved a signature in Outlook your signature information appears at the bottom of each email that uses that signature.

your message as usual, then send it.

Step 8. Add Another Email Signature 

As I’ve mentioned earlier, you can have multiple signatures set up in Outlook email. This is especially convenient if you use the same email for business and personal emails. You may wish to have a second, more light-hearted and fun, email signature for friends and family. 

To create another email signature, go back up to Step 5 and walk through the process again. Be sure to give your second email signature a different name from your first.

One you’re ready to send an Outlook email message with the second email signature, click the Signature icon in the New
window Ribbon. A drop-down menu appears. Click on the name of the email signature you want to use. Then send your message.

If you’re using more than one email signature with MS Outlook, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of checking your email signature each time you send a message to make sure that you’re using the correct signature. You wouldn’t want to accidentally use your fun email signature for a business email message or your business email for a fun message to friends or family.

Premium Email Signature Templates

this tutorial, we focused on using a single email signature template bundle
from Envato Elements, but there are more email
signatures available from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver
that you may wish to use for your Outlook email. Here are just a few of them:

1. 360 Professional Email Signature Templates

360 Professional Email Signature Templates

flexible bundle of professional email templates from Envato Elements includes
360 individual HTML files. Choose from between 30 different layout options and
12 different color styles. You can easily personalize these templates with your
own logo, photo, and information. There’s also HTML help documentation to help
your customization go more smoothly. 

2. Modern Email Signature Template

Modern Email Signature Template

you’re looking for a sleek, modern professional email signature template with
plenty of useful features this could be it. Here’s just some of the features
you’ll find in the Modern Email Signature Template:

  • Uses smart objects
  • Includes
    well-documented HTML help files
  • Choose
    between 11 E-signature variations with 11 HTML files
  • And

3. 301 Email Signature Template

301 Email Signature Template

301 Email Signature template is all about options. Choose between 43 different layout
options and seven different color variations. In this template you’ll find a
wide variety of signature designs from email signature templates that include
photos to text only email signatures to email signatures that focus on social
media. One of them is right for you.

More About Email Signatures

email signature you use will leave an impression with your reader. For business
contacts, you’ll want to make sure to use a professional email signature and you’ve just learned how to do that. 

learn more about how to properly end an email and more about email signatures,
study these tutorials:

find even more professional email signature templates that you could use with
MS Outlook, take a look at this article:

  • Email

    12+ Professional Email Signature Templates: With Unique Designs

    Sean Hodge

More Helpful Email Tips and Strategies

Don’t forget to sign up to the Tuts+ Business newsletter and grab our free eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Inbox Zero Mastery. It’s packed with inbox organization strategies and killer tips for managing all your incoming email more efficiently.

Guide to Inbox Zero

a Professional Email Signature to PowerPoint Today

this tutorial, I provided step-by-step instructions for you on how to add an
email signature to Microsoft Outlook. I’ve also shared some of our best email
templates that you may wish to consider using. I’ve even listed some other
resources to help you create the best email signatures you can as well as to
help you get more from your inbox.

just discovered how easy it is to add an email signature to all your Outlook
email messages by using a professionally-designed email signature template! Why
not get started with upgrading your email signature with a template from Envato
Elements or GraphicRiver

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