No More Heroes Spin-off Gets Release Date | Gaming News
Good news comes to those who are waiting to get their hands on the latest adventure for Travis Touchdown from the No More Heroes franchise. The Nintendo Switch exclusive from director Goichi Suda better known as Suda51 and developer Grasshopper Manufacture has an official release date. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes is set to launch on January 18, 2019.
It has been a while since fans have received any new information about the bizarre spin-off, though Nintendo’s PAX West 2018 showcase finally told us that we could expect to play the game pretty soon.
This No More Heroes spinoff will take place seven years after the events of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. Badman, the father of Bad Girl from the original game, seeks revenge on Travis. In an attempt to avenge her death, he gets himself and Travis stuck inside a game console called the Death Drive Mk-II. The two are then forced to join forces working their way through a variety of video games on the system. In typical Suda51 fashion, the game will include his staple offbeat vulgar and violent humor that the series has become synonymous with.
Those expecting a traditional sequel in the No More Heroes franchise might be a bit disappointed to see that the game is very different from its predecessors, however. Switching from the third-person sword brawler with integrated motion controls, Travis Strikes Back plays as a hack and slash adventure with a top-down perspective. One of the main features added to the spin-off is the ability to play co-op as Travis and Badman.
It has been over eight years since we have seen a proper sequel in the No More Heroes franchise. While it is great to see Travis make a comeback on the Nintendo Switch considering Suda once said Travis’s story was complete, it is strange to see the spin-off take such a drastic change from the original game. Even though the core gameplay has gotten quite the makeover, we can always count on Travis Strikes Again to deliver the same crude humor that the series is best known for.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will release for the Nintendo Switch on January 18, 2019.
Source: GameSpot
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