Rumor Patrol: PlayStation 5 Code Name Revealed | Gaming News
Over the last few weeks and months, rumors have been swirling about the next generation of consoles. We are now five years into the life cycle of the PS4, and with the console already having received two refreshes (the PS4 Pro and the PS4 Slim), everyone wants to know what’s next.
Sony has yet to officially unveil the PlayStation 5, meaning that fans are left to speculate among themselves. That’s why many fans jumped to conclusions when some code discovered in the Unreal Engine 4 game engine appeared to refer to a mysterious, new console that could be related to PlayStation 5. UE4 includes a list of supported platforms, and according to screenshots taken by ResetEra user Gemüsepizza, the list mentions a platform called “Erebus”.
The platform list isn’t the only reference UE4 makes to Erebus. Erebus is mentioned another time alongside the PS4 and the Xbox One, and this section also includes the phrase “bPS4SeenOtherConsole”. The use of “other console” has led some to suggest that Erebus is the code name for the PlayStation 5.
The Erebus PlayStation 5 theory is also supported by the fact that previous Sony hardware projects have been code named in a similar fashion. Erebus means “deep darkness” or “shadow” in Greek mythology, while the PlayStation 4 also had the Latin code name Orbis, which means “other Earth” or “other world”. Also the PlayStation VR headset had the code name Morpheus, with Morpheus being the god of dreams in Greek mythology.
There has been some suggestion that Erebus could be in reference to a new PlayStation VR headset. However, some have noted that Erebus is specifically identified as one of the first five beings in existence, according to Hesiod’s poem, Theogony. The use of the number five has many convinced that this is definitely the PlayStation 5 code name.
Many are also believing in this story because of other, recent reports about PlayStation 5 production. Just four months ago, a report revealed that production of PS5 components is now ramping up. Additional reports also state that PS4 system architect Mark Cerny has also begun to visit developers, sharing details about the new console so that they can get to work on making games for it. Given that Epic Games (the company behind the UE4 engine) is one of Sony’s biggest partners, as Fortnite includes exclusive PS4 content, it’s easy to connect the dots.
Unfortunately, it may be some time until Sony officially announces the PlayStation 5. Other rumors suggest that the PS5 is targeting a 2020 release date which means that Sony is likely to keep its cards close to its chest until summer 2019 at the very earliest.
PlayStation 5 has yet to be officially announced.
Source: ResetEra