Skyrim Mod Lets You Clone, Marry Yourself | Gaming News
If you want something done properly, you’ve got to do it yourself.
Via PC Gamer, the Doppleganger Follower is a Skyrim mod created by PsykotikKrymes that takes you, recreates you as a follower then drops you/them at the Sleeping Giant Inn for recruitment.
They’re you in pretty much every sense. They’ve got the same name, use the same shouts, use the same spells. Only difference is that, being a separate entity within the game, you can also marry them. You.
Aside from the narcissistic pleasures implied with this, I just like how it solves one of Skyrim’s bigger (personal, first-world) problems in a surprisingly elegant way. I love seeing how my character looks but only play in first-person, so this is the perfect way to be able to do both.
You can download it here, and note it requires both Dawnguard and Dragonborn to work.