Fortnite Fans Are Unlocking the Exclusive Galaxy Skin Through In-Store Phone Units | Gaming News


Don’t mind me, just testing out Fortnite.

Fortnite’s Galaxy skin is a hot outfit and fans are using in-store phone to unlock it on their account.

Earlier this month, Samsung announced an exclusive partnership with Epic where any player that purchases the new Galaxy Note 9 or Tab S4 would gain access to the exclusive Galaxy skin on Fortnite. All players need to do is download Fortnite on the new phone, log in to your Epic account, and play at least three matches. After 24-48 hours, players should receive a gift box in-game featuring the very cool skin. Only one Galaxy skin is unlocked per device.

It wasn’t long before Fortnite fans found a workaround to these demanding requirements.

Several Fortnite players used demo phone units of the Galaxy Note 9 in retail stores like Best Buy and downloaded Fortnite just to get the exclusive skin without having to drop $999 for a new phone. Players in a Reddit thread detailed their stories and attempts at getting the rare skin. “Went to one of the many AT&T stores near me yesterday and had no problems at all. Just acted like I was very interested in an upgrade,” says user rimjohnson. “Played my 3 games, now waiting on my skin.”

While Epic hasn’t banned any accounts or stepped in to stop, retail stores are cracking down and keeping close watch.

The mysterious cube is now putting out a low-gravity field and the leaked Week 8 Challenges for Season 5 include a search between three oversized chairs challenge.

Michael Koczwara is Tech’s Weekend Web Producer who wants the Galaxy skin but not this badly. Follow him on Twitter and YouTube.

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