Power up your PR prose with help from these experts | Public Relation

A well-crafted pitch or press release can make the difference between your
organization’s story ending up in the headlines or in a reporter’s trash

Ensure your prose is up to the challenge by learning from these

The 2018 Powerful Press Releases and Pitches Virtual Summit

on Sept. 21.

  • Carolyn Evert, Head of Northeast communications for JP Morgan Chase
  • Tamra Johnson, National spokesperson for AAA
  • Nick Lanyi, Media relations and crisis communications expert for Ragan Consulting Group

They’ll show you how to:

  • Find more enticing news hooks for your press releases
  • Think like a journalist to write pitches that grab attention
  • Tailor your pitches and press releases to different audiences and

You’ll get the tactics and strategies you need to stand out from
competitors, score more media hits and put your organization in the

Improve one of your most valuable skills as a PR pro—register today.

Register here to save $50

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